why year 4's should go to camp
Dear Ms Ritchie
after watching the year 6 camp videos I am very dis-pointed that year 6 get to go to camp and we don't. So I would like to persuade you to let year 4's go to camp.They get to do fun things at camp like archery boggy boarding and the tower building and we have stay here and don't get to do those fun things.
It is not fair that the year 6's get to do all the fun things at camp not only that they got to go to the beach and will probably go o much more fun trips I feel very UN-happy its just not fair I want to go to camp.I wish I was a year 6. We can also learn skills like how to do archery , boggy boarding and how to do the tower building.It will also teach us how to stay without our parents in another place and we will have to get out of our comfort zone and we will sleep in sleeping bags not in out beds.
I hope this is enough evidence to let year 4's go to camp in- conclusion I am hoping that you will let us year 4's go to camp.
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