Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Making Toast (onomatopoeia poem)

Making toast
Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I opened the fridge to get the white,soft bread,jam and butter.
Then I gently lay them on the kitchen island plop!.
Next pisss I open the draw to get a knife ting the knife hits the other silverware. After that I put the bread in the toaster ping I push the square shaped button down.

Suddenly pop it has finished toasting, I spread the jam and butter krrr I take a bite yum yum yum crunch !!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My Wild Self

Standing in front of me was the most unbelievable creature I had ever seen.  Its eyes were as big as owl eyes and they were light brown. It was strange because this creature had no white dots in its eyes.  Its pupils were as black as tar.they  had a glossy texture on them.This weird creature had a normal mouth and nose like everyone else, however its ears were as big as elf ears.  They looked furry and they also looked like the ears of a deer.  Somehow horns had sprouted behind its ears, they looked like a miniature version of viking horns.

Its arms were slimy and sticky because they were  octopus arms. It was funny because this creature had no legs but instead it had a tail like a mermaid.  Its wings were a monarch butterfly’s wings and they were black,orange and white. Its tail was as long as a metre ruler !!!

Suddenly she spoke.  I was terrified at first but she sounded like a little baby so after awhile I slowly started to calm down. The creepy thing was this weird creature could stand up straight even when it had a seahorse tail.  At first I thought that she was going to be very mean or scary but she was friendly and nice. Suddenly she started dancing and then in a stick of lightning, she was gone.

Overall I had a lot of questions I had wanted to ask her. Was she the only unique and different human/animal or were there more of her?  Where would they live and why were they born like this? Will I ever find out the answers to my questions? Time will tell………...

Sunday, March 10, 2019

my trip to up town bounce

My Trip To up Town  Bounce
One hot summer's day I went to up town bounce with my friend Alisha and her sister Tanisha it looked so cool there was even a basketball/netball hoop and there was a huge slide. I straight away started to and I went so high and  shoot a goal my friends and my mum and their mum were playing dodgeball so I joined in after a while I started to sweat even if fans surrounded it was like I was on the sun!!! After I went on the slide but when I came down I got a huge carpet burn next I went on the trampoline I went so high then a huge ball as big as a bowl dozer knocked me over and I freaked out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all my other friends also freaked out because i screamed so loud next I started shooting hoops after  about half an hour my hands started to hurt according to my calculations I had shot 20 goals!!!!!!!!. I had a feeling after a while that I wanted to jump from the top of the slide when I got to the top my had touched the ceiling that's how high it was I felt so scared but I did it when had landed kept on bouncing but eventually I fell at that second we had to go after we went out we went to the cafe and I got a carrot cake with whipped cream and a juice carton by the time we got home the day was almost over it was one of the best days of my  life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week I have written a recount about my trip to up town bounce hope you enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!